What Are The Rules Of Blackjack 5 Card Trick? Odds and Payouts

Ever wished you could win at your favourite casino game just by collecting a few cards? Then, the blackjack 5-card trick might be perfect for you!

The exciting rule adds another layer to the classic game by allowing bettors to win even if their hand total is not the highest.

Are you wondering how it works, or is it really a winning strategy? Today’s blog will give you all the answers!

In the section below, we will explore the world of five-card tricks, exploring their odds, explaining the rules, and uncovering other critical details.

So, if you are a seasoned blackjack enthusiast looking to improve your winning odds, jump right in!

What Is The 5-Card Trick In Blackjack? What Are Its Rules?

For bettors, blackjack aims to get the value of your hand close to 21 without exceeding it. Your score should be closer to the targeted number than other players and the dealer.

Each player receives two starting cards. Then, you can decide whether to take another card or stick with your current hand. Adding extra cards can bring the combined value of the cards closer to 21.

It is where the blackjack 5 card comes into play!

The rule is pretty straightforward. If you hold five cards at any one time in your hand without exceeding 21, you automatically win the game. Even if your hand adds up to a number way below 21, like 13, you would still win the game.

The same rules also apply to dealers. If you and the dealer both have the same value in hand, it will be a tie or a push. Generally, you will get your bet back in this case.

On the contrary, if neither of you receives a blackjack, the game will continue, and you will need to determine what actions you want to take. You can choose to

  • Hit: Ask for another card from the dealer
  • Stand: Keep the current hand as it is’
  • Double down: Double the bet, get another card and stand
  • Split: You can only apply this rule when you have two cards worth the same. As per the rule, the dealer will take your single hand and make it two hands

In the past, bettors also had the opportunity to surrender, which means forfeiting half of your bet to end a hand. Most blackjack games have eliminated this rule.

The 5-card trick blackjack offers several benefits to bettors. Firstly, it offers a winning opportunity to any player without the need to hit 21. All you have to do is take one card after another till you have five cards without exceeding 21.

If you are a player who prefers to hit instead of sticking, the 5 card rule gives you the perfect opportunity to try your luck.
It’s a great way to mix up your blackjack strategies and give every player at the table a chance.

Exception, payouts and odds in blackjack 5 card trick

Although the 5-card rule is easy to comprehend and lucrative, there are a few things you need to keep in mind, for instance, the exception to the rule.

The exception is the dealer’s blackjack. As the bettor, you will lose if the dealer has a blackjack, such as a ten or an ace, as the first two cards. This rule is applicable even if you have five cards with a combined value under 21.

This kind of win can also offer different payouts, ranging from 1:1 to 2:1.

Other times, in the case of the blackjack 5 card rule, the payout can vary depending on the game’s variation.
The most common payouts include:

Even money (1:1 or 2:1): The most common payout in blackjack for the 5-card win rule is even money. It means you win regardless of the dealer’s hand. However, you will only receive your bet amount.

Bonus payouts: Some rare blackjack variations pay more for the 5-card trick. For example, the Double Attack Blackjack might reward a 5:1 payout.

Similar to the payouts, the odds in the blackjack 5 card strategy can vary based on sources.

According to many, the odds of collecting five cards without going beyond 21 are around 50:1.

Others say that winning blackjack through the five-card trick is much rare. In an 8-deck game with liberal rules, the odds of achieving the 5-card trick are one in 1300 hands.

The Drawback Of Playing The Five-Card Trick

The blackjack 5 card strategy may add a refreshing twist to your game, but it does have some drawbacks you should be aware of.

The 5 card rule makes it more tempting to hit when you might have chosen to stand if the situation differed.

To give you more context, let’s say you have four cards in your hand, adding up to 17. With the 5-card rule in mind, you will be eager to hit, hoping to land a low-value card (e.g. a 2 or 3) and win the game. You will win the blackjack anyway if you get a 4.

However, there’s a decent chance that you will receive a card with a value of 5 or above, resulting in your loss.

Chasing the fifth card can bring you dangerously near busting or exceeding 21. Of course, it ultimately depends on the combined value of your hand. Hence, weighing your options and taking every step mindfully is essential.

Furthermore, blackjack’s five-card rules have another drawback. As players spend more time staring at their hands and calculating their next move, the pace of the game can be significantly slowed.

This rule may annoy you if you prefer the game to move quickly.

5-Card Rule In Conjunction With Other Rules

It is rare to find a blackjack game with this variation. Even if you do, you will likely see other rules accompanying it.
The most common rules that apply in conjunction with the 5-card rule include:

  • Double down
  • Insurance
  • Split
  • Side bets

Naturally, if you split your cards, you must collect five cards separately in each hand.

Consequently, when you get five cards and win blackjack, you must immediately end the round. You must leave in the same round and will not get a chance to beat the dealer, considering only one type of win is acceptable per round.

Thus, the 5 card rule brings down the odds of double winning.

Do All Casinos And Sites Accept The 5-Card Rule?

Most casinos implement the majority of blackjack rules. However, since 5 cards equal automatic wins, most brick-and-mortar casinos don’t accept this.

It may sound disappointing, but there’s a good reason behind this.

Casinos are here to make a profit. Thus, the house edge is so critical for them. House edge refers to the advantages a casino has over its bettors.

In blackjack, the average house edge is approximately 4%. If bettors start using the 5-card trick, this percentage will reduce even more. As a result, casinos will make much less profit overall, and the odds will be even more in the bettor’s favour.

That is why most casinos don’t allow the blackjack 5 card trick.

However, you can use it in some online casino. Still, carefully read the terms and understand bonuses and payment rules before using the 5 card strategy.

Blackjack 5 Card Charlie Strategy

Every blackjack rule significantly affects the gameplay. So, when you apply a rule like five cards, the winning strategy can differ.

Below, we present a few tips to help you achieve a positive outcome following the 5-card rule.

Don’t rely on it

Considering the rare odds of winning with the five-card trick, we advise bettors to avoid relying solely on this strategy.
Play the game as you would in any other standard blackjack game. Pay attention to other critical rules, such as the dealer’s rules, card decks, doubling, and splitting.

You can only proceed with the five-card rule if you have at least three cards in your hand with small amounts.

When to stand or hit

Depending on your hand and the number of decks used in the game, you can either
• Stand
• Hit
• Double down

The lower the number of decks, the more significant the cards in the game. If you struggle to make out anything, we suggest

• Standing if you have a hard 17 or higher
• Standing if your cards have values of 2 to 6 and the total value of your hand is a minimum of 13 unless you already have four cards
• Hitting if your hand is at 17 or lower
• Hitting if you have a card worth seven or more without any aces and the total worth of your hand is between 12 and 16

When to double down

The strategy of doubling down is overused in blackjack. Still, there are some instances where it can bring you lucrative opportunities.

You can use doubling to capitalise on the 5-card trick blackjack and double your winnings. All you have to do is take four cards with small amounts before doubling down on the fifth one without exceeding 21.

However, having fewer than four cards can get more complicated. In that scenario, you must analyse which path will be better.

You could aim for five cards or lose the opportunity by doubling down.

Typically, experts would suggest

• Doubling down on hard ten or 11
• Doubling down on between soft 15 and 18 if all of your cards have low value.

Blackjack Games With 5 Card Win Rule

As previously mentioned, finding blackjack variations with the automatic rule can be challenging. Still, there are a few titles you can look for at the best casino sites to enjoy the trick.

These titles include:

• Blackjack 5 Card Charlie
• Blackjack Six Card Charlie
• Blackjack Charlie 7

The numbers in these titles indicate how many cards you need to collect to win without busting. Unfortunately, many of these titles are not legally available in the UK.

Why Don’t 5 Cards Win?

Considering the easy rules of the five-card strategy, you would expect it to be more popular and become a winning strategy.

However, as discussed before, most offline casinos frown upon this rule due to the potential odds leaning towards the bettors.

Reports suggest the automatic five-card win rule can increase the game’s RTP by 1.46%. However, casinos would not be able to afford it.

On top of that, most casinos will deliberately design their machines and software to favour the casino a bit more than the players.

Of course, casinos can include the blackjack 5-card rule in lower-payout games. However, most casinos tend to avoid it.

More Interesting Blackjack Variations!

The blackjack 5-card rule is undoubtedly one of the most exciting variations. However, it’s not the only one.

Blackjack has as many variations as different types of blackjack tables. If you ever wish to spice up your game, all you have to do is a quick search for the correct variation.

To help you get started, we introduce you to the other most exciting blackjack variations.

So, read on!

Perfect pairs blackjack

Perfect pairs blackjack is a side bet where the bettors bet the first two cards they will receive will make a pair. A pair is two cards with the same numerical value and suit. Generally, there are three types of winning pair: perfect pair, coloured pair and mixed pair.

A perfect pair usually has the highest payout (approximately 30:1 payout), with both cards having the same rank and suit. However, perfect has a high house edge. Also, it’s only standard in games where more than one deck is used. So, think carefully before moving forward.

Mixed pair

A mixed pair occurs when you have two starting cards with the same rank but different picture card values or numbers. For instance, you may receive a Queen of Spades and a Queen of Clubs.

The payout of a mixed pair is among the lowest of the three pair types (around 5:1). If you win the bet, you will win five times your original side bet amount.

Coloured pair

Betting on a coloured pair means betting on receiving two starting cards with the same rank but different suits of the same colour. For instance, you will win the bet if you receive a Queen of Diamonds and a Queen of Hearts.

The value of coloured pair payouts is usually between perfect and mixed pair payouts. Usually, it’s around 10:1 to 12:1. It suggests that if you win a bet on a coloured pair, you can take home ten to twelve times your original side bet.

Blackjack switch

Putting an exciting twist on the classic game, the blackjack switch gives players two hands and two cards. It requires players to make equal wagers on each hand. In addition to stand, hit, split, and double down, this variation has another gameplay feature: switch. Switch allows bettors to switch two cards between their hands.

However, if you wish to switch, you must do so before making any other decision. Once you switch the card, the game will move forward like any other variation until a winner rises.

The switch allows bettors to potentially create stronger hands and take chances on specific combinations. This variation has a slightly lower house edge, which means you have more odds of winning.

Vegas strip blackjack

The Vegas Strip blackjack may appear like the classic game, but it offers several options that bettors don’t get in other variations. The game aims to replicate the feel of playing at the Vegas Strip Club by keeping the game’s core rules the same.

However, it has a few differences. For instance, it allows players to split up to four hands in pairs and double down after splitting a hand. You can also split cards with a value of 10, even if they are not the same card type.

For example, if you have a King and a Queen, you can split them. However, you can only split once per ace.

This variation usually involves four decks of cards and has a payout of about 3:2. If you enjoy classic blackjack with a bit lower house edge, you will enjoy this variation.

Final Words

While the blackjack 5 card trick offers comparatively good odds and a new thrill, many casinos around the UK don’t allow it. Hence, before trying it out, read the game rules. Pay attention to bonuses and payout rules as well. In addition to that, avoid going into the game with only the 5 card trick in mind.

Although the strategy is enticing, it can lead you to lose out on the game. Hopefully, this blog has helped you learn everything you need to about blackjack 5 card variation. If you have any queries regarding blackjack rules or want more blogs like this, follow Live Casino Review!

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